
Kashipala or Largeleaf Rosemallow, Hibiscus macrophyllus

Kashipala or Largeleaf Rosemallow ( Hibiscus macrophyllus , Family : Malvaceae) is a medium-sized tree with large leaves and attractive flowers. The tree can reach a height of about 10 m. The young branches, leaves, inflorescence, fruits, seeds of the plant are too hairy. It goes without saying that the plant takes such protective measures to prevent insects or unwanted creatures from harming its body parts.  The tree can be found in Indo-Malay region (Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines) as well as Northeastern India, Myanmar, Southern China. In Bangladesh, it can be found in the forests of greater Sylhet and greater Chattogram.  Other names :  Bristly-Tree Hibiscus, Large-Leaved Hibiscus, Large-Leaved Hao. Downy and 5-9 nerved leaves are big, 16-45 cm long and 15-40 cm wide. Interestingly, its leaves and petioles are the same size. These are broadly ovate or orbicular, heart-shaped at the base, acuminate at apex. Upper surface is covered with dark brown hairs...

Dagor or Suicide tree, Cerbera odollam

Dagor or Suicide tree ( Cerbera odollam , family: Apocynaceae) is a small tree with whorled branch, containing full of poison in its body. It exudes a milky latex when struck or when its leaves and stems are crushed. It can attain a height of 10-12 m. The tree is equally poisonous, like its closest members Oleander ( Nerium oleander ) and Yellow Oleander ( Cascabela thevetia ).  The bushy mangrove species is often found along the salt marshes of the Sundarbans as well as the seashore of Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar. It is also found in the coastline of South and Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands and some parts of Australia. Other names:  Dhakur, Dabur (Bangla), Yellow-eyed Cerbera, Sea Mango, Grey Milkwood (Eng.). Several leaves are gathered at the tip of the branch in opposite composition. Obovate-lanceolate leaves are dark green and glossy, large, 18-20 cm long and 4-5 cm wide, glabrous and coriaceous, tapering at the base, acute at the apex, petiols 2-4 cm long.  A fe...

Ghetkochu, Bengal Arum, Typhonium trilobatum

Ghetkochu or Bengal Arum ( Typhonium trilobatum , family: Araceae) is a soft, tuberous herb, attaining a height of 25-40 cm, found here and there in the country. it is found growing in damp or wet places, fallow lands and beside the paths. Though it is not a popular vegetable in the country, but people from different parts of the country consume its leaves, stalks and tubers. Apart from Bangladesh or Greater Bengal, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Southeast China, North Malaysia are the original habitat of the plant. It is naturalized in the Philippines, West Borneo, Singapore, West Africa and tropical America.  Other names : Ghatkol, Ghetkol, Kharkol, Kharkeli, Ghekul, Kharkun, Chamghash, (Bangla); Harbaz (Chakma); Mohras (Marmara);  Harbait (Tanchangya).  Ghetkochu is quite beautiful to look at—especially the shape of its leaves. Like other members of the Kachu (Arum) family, it has fewer leaves, mostly 5 to 6. Its leaves, however, vary—from arrow-shaped to 3-lobed; 5 lobes c...