Mehedi or Henna, Lawsonia inermi
Mehedi or Henna ( Lawsonia inermi , family: Lythraceae) is an evergreen bushy shrub or small tree with profuse branches, attaining a height of 2-8 m. It is a very common homestead plant in Bangladesh. The historical plant is native to differnt parts of Asia, Africa and Australasia. Common names: Henna, Hina, Mignonette tree, Egyptian privet. It is used in jaundice, leucorrhoea, shoulder pain, burning sensation in body, dandruff and insomnia. Leaves are elliptical, lanceolate, acuminate at the top and are sub-sessiled; 3-5 cm long and about 1 cm wide. Flowers are white, small, borne on terminal inflorescence. Petals 6. Flowers bloom from late summer to autumn. Fruits are small, granular, deep purple or black-colored when ripe. Seeds are numerous, smooth, pyramidal. In Indian subcontinent including Banglade...