Hatishura, Indian heliotrope, Heliotropium indicum

Hatishura or Indian heliotrope (Heliotropium indicum, family: Boraginaceae) is an annual to perennial erect, much-branched plant that can grow to a height of about 10-75 cm. The hairy stems are usually woody at the base.

Heliotropium indicum is originally from South America. It has become naturalized in the tropical and sub-tropical world.

Flowers of heliotropium indicum bloom mainly in August to SeptemberIt has numerous small white or pale violet flowers with a green calyx; five stamens borne on a corolla tube; a terminal style; and a four-lobed ovary. 

It is considered as a weed of fields and pastures throughout the temperate world. It grows abundantly in fallolands in Bangladesh.

Common names: Hatishura, Indian heliotrope, Indiana turnsole, Erysipela plant.

The brown or greyish-brown seeds are flattened, finely hairy and 5-8 mm long. The propagation of the plant is caused by seeds.

Leaves are 7-10 cm long, oval-shaped, narrowed to petiole, wrinkled, glabrous beneath.

It is a useful herbal plant. Leaves are used in sore, tumour, pain and insect bite. 


Week Star

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