
Showing posts from August, 2016

Modhu-monjori ori Rangoon creeper, Combretum indicum

Modhu-monjori or Rangoon creeper (C ombretum indicum , family: Combretaceae) is a extensive woody perennial creeper with red flower clusters. The ornamental vine is native to South and Southeast Asia, specially to Indian subcontinent and Myanmar. The woody climber can reach a length up to 8 m. Common names: Modhu-monjori, Madhuri-lota, Rangoon creeper, Chinese honeysuckle. Flowers are originally red, slightly scented, corolla tubular, petals 5. Flowers bloom mainly in summer and rains.  Leaves are green, rough, opposite, ovate, apex acuminate, edge wavy, 6-14 cm long and 3-6 cm wide.  With the change of time the white flower becomes pink and then it turns red. Fruits are elliptical, 5-winged, dark brown in color.  The Bangla name of the flower (Modhu-monjori) is named by Rabindranath Tagore. It is grown in garden  as ornamental flower plant in Bangladesh. Leaves, roots and seeds are used in skin disease, worm, stomach disorder, ...

Lota futki or Balloon plant, Cardiospermum halicacabum

Lota futki or Balloon plant ( Cardiospermum halicacabum , family: Sapindaceae) a large creeper with wiry stems, climbing other trees with tendrils, sometimes completely covering the host. The climber is native to tropical and subtropical Africa and Asia. The plant grows on fallow land as weed in Bangladesh.         Common names:  Kanfutki, kopalfutki, Noafutki, Futka (Bangla), Balloon vine, Love in a puff (English). Leaves are compound, ternate, lanceolate, lobed or serrated, 4-8 cm long. Flowering and budding occurs round the year. Flowers are very small, greenish white. Fruit is triangular, 1.5-4 cm wide, hairy and black when ripe. Calyx develop into the coat of fruit.   These are 3-seeded. Each seed have a heart-shaped mark at the top.                                                 ...

Kanchira or Bengal dayflower, commelina benghalensis

Kanchira  or Bengal dayflower ( commelina benghalensis , family: commelinaceae) is an annual herb with swollen nodes. It is native to tropical Asia and Africa.  Common names: Kanchira, Bengal dayflower, Tropical spiderwort. Leaves are green, alternate, simple, 10-15 cm long, with prominent sheath. Inflorescence arises from the axil of a foliage leaf. Flower is blue, small, sepals 3, petals 3. It blooms in August-September.  Propagation of the plant is caused by seeds.  It grows as a weed on fallow land in Bangladesh. Its juice is applied as antiseptic on cut or burning injury. Root is used in headache, fever and leprosy. Knot of stem is used to prevent sterility.

Nil bonolota, Bengal trumpet, Thunbergia grandiflora

Nil bonolota or Bengal trumpet ( Thunbergia grandiflora , family: Acanthaceae) is a vigorous perennial climber. The climber is native to Indian subcontinent as well as Southeast Asia.  Common names: Nil lota, Nil bonolota, Bengal clock vine, Bengal trumpet, Blue thunbergia. Flowers are big, pale blue, on pendulous racemes. Sepals 5, petals 5. Flower-buds of thunbergia grandiflora. Leaves are angularly cordate and lobed, rough on both surfaces, 10-16 cm long.     The plant in its original habitat, Khoiachhora, Mirshorai It continuously produces flowers in summer through rainy season.  It is grown on fence, pergola or wall in Bangladesh. Root of the plant counteracts poison of snake. Leaf juice is stomachic. Propagation of the plant is caused by cuttings.

Lojjaboti or Touch me not, Mimosa pudica

Lojjaboti or Touch me not ( Mimosa pudica , family: Fabaceae) is a annual or perennial woody and creeping herb. The prickly herb is native to South America. Nowadays it is found throughout the tropical world as well as South and Southeast Asia.  Common names: Lojjaboti, Touch me not, Sensitive plant, Sleepy plant, Shy plant. Leaves are very sensitive─a slight touch instantly causes them to unfurl and shrink. The Bangla name (Lojjaboti) has been derived from this special attribute. Leaves are pinnately compound, pinnae 2 pairs, blade 8 pairs, linear, opposite, looking like feather. Flowers are small, pinkish in color, clustered as head. The plant is used to prepare medicine for dysentery, piles, constipation, snake poison, arthritis and toothache. It helps to stop abnormal blood emission due to abortion. Friut is a pod, 1-3 cm long. 2-7 prickly pods consists in a cluster. Hard coated seeds are pale brown. Propagation of the plant i...

Hongsho lota, Calico flower, Aristolochia littoralis

Hongsho lota or Calico flower ( Aristolochia littoralis , family: Aristolochiaceae) is an extensive climber with woody and slender stem. It can attain a height of 3-6 m. The plant is native to South America.  Common names : Hongsho lota, Calico flower, Elegant Dutchman's pipe. Flower is solitary, 6-8 cm across, violet inner side, hollow at the bottom, looking like swan. Insects are often trapped inside the pungent smelled flowers.  The evergreen climber produces flowers from April-October.  Leaves are green, heart-shaped, blunted at the end. In Bangladesh, the vine is grown in gardens for its strange-looking flowers. It needs strong support for its proper growth. Fruit is long with flat seed. Its propagation is caused by seed.

Horitoki, Chebulic myrobalan, Terminalia chebula

Horitoki or Chebulic myrobalan  ( Terminalia chebula , family: Combretaceae) is a medium to large-sized slow growing deciduous tree with branches. The species is native to South and Southeast Asia. In Bangladesh, it is found in Chittangong, Chittagong hill tracts, Sylhet and Mymensingh area.  Common names:  Horitoki, Chebulic myrobalan, Black c hebulic myrobalan. Leaves are sub-opposite or alternate, 7-18 cm long and 5-10 cm wide, elliptic, green, leathery, glabrous. Flowers are small in spikes. Spikes 5-15 cm long, terminal. Sepals 5, petals 5. Flower blooms in April-May. Fruit a drupe, ellipsoid, smooth, 2.5-5 cm long. It has been planted as avenue tree in Bangladesh. Propagation of the plant is caused by seeds. It is used as stomach, liver and intestinal medicine. It is also used in piles, menstruation disorder, rheumatism, constipation and diabetes. Powder of dry fruits is useful for teeth. Its ash mixed with butte...

Chalta, Elephant apple, Dillenia indica

Chalta or Elephant apple ( Dillenia indica , family: Dilleniaceae) is an evergreen tree with branches attaining a height of about 10 m. In Bangladesh, the flower of the plant is a iconic flower of  rainy season. This beautiful tree is native to South and Southeast Asia. Common names: Chalta, Elephant apple Leaves are petioled, simple, green, lanceolate, 15-27 cm wide, serrated, with 30-40 conspicuous veins. Flowers are lagre, showy, white, with many yellow stamens at center. Petals 5, sepals 5. It blooms in June-July. Fruit is big, round, 7-10 cm across.  Propagation is caused by seeds.  Dillenia indica is one of the most common homestead trees in Bangladesh. Fruit, leaves, root and bark contain a lot of vitamin C, tannin and glucose. These are useful in cough, constipation, dyspepsia, epilepsy and intestinal gas. Fruit juice is used in hair care. Tasty pickles are made from its fruit.

Mom golap or Rose cactus, Pereskia bleo

Mom golap or Rose cactus ( Pereskia bleo , famiy: Cactaceae) is a bushy shrub or small tree from Cactus family with deep green foliage and spiny stems. Rose cactus is one of the most attractive flowers of the tropical world. The plant can reach a height of 3 m. It is native to Central America. Common names:  Rose cactus, Wax r o se, Leaf cactus, Desert rose. Flower has spreading petals, vivid orange in color, 4-6 cm in diameter. Numerous stamens surrounded the pistil at the center of the flower.  The fleshy and shiny leaves are elliptic-oblong or lanceolate, 16-20 cm long and 2-7 cm broad. The edible fruits are spherical. It turns yellow when ripe. If snapped, its stem emits a kind of white sap.  In Bangladesh, it is planted in parks and gardens and road-islands as a decorative flowering plant. It is propagated by cutting or grafting. It is sometimes called the Cactus rose.