
Showing posts from December, 2016

Asam lota or Bitter vine, Mikania micrantha

Asam lota or   Bitter vine ( Mikania micrantha , family: Asteraceae) is a perennial extensive climber.  It can be easily found in fallow lands, crop fields and roadside areas in Bangladesh.  It is an invasive species. Usually with the help of a tree it climbed up. In case of small tree it does serious damage. Other names: Bharoti-lota,  Rabon lota, Tara-lota.  Leaves are opposite, green, ovate to cordate, edge sometimes uneven, sometimes wavy, petiole long, sometimes dark green, sometimes pale.  The size of the vine or its leaves differ on the basis of soil fertility. Branched inflorescence comes out from leaf axil. Flower is white or pale white. Each branch contains three to four white flowers.  Numerous branches occurs together. Therefore, the flower cluster seems quite large.  It spreads quickly in rainy season. So it causes serious damage to crops then. Especially it does a great damage to Sal f...

Chatim, Devil's tree, Alstonia scholaris

Chatim or Devil's tree ( Alstonia scholaris , family: Apocynaceae) is a much branched tall tree. The evergreen tree gets a height of 15-20 m. Its trunk is dark grey, slightly rough.  The good looking tree  is found in South and Southeast Asia.    Flowers are greenish white, occurs in a large cluster, extreme scented. For this its presence is felt from afar at night. This is one of the main features of the tree. Leaves are narrow, obovate, 10-18 cm long and 4-5 cm wide; shiny above, pale beneath. Leaf breaks if you fold. The canopy spreads like an umbrella. Wood is white and soft. L eaves, branch, trunk─overall whole tree contains milky latex.  In Sanskrit, it is called Shopto-porni (seven-leaved tree). Though a rachis holds 4-7 plates usually, sometimes 8. It blooms in late Autumn (Sep-Oct). Fruits are light green, slender, cylindrical, 20-50 cm long. Ripe fruits burst. They remain on tree like this for a long time.  Its p...

Kamini, Orange jasemine, Murraya paniculata

Kamini  or Orange jasemine ( Murraya paniculata , family: Rutaceae) is an evergreen small tree or large woody shrub that can get a height of 3 m. Its grey trunk is small. The leafy ornamental plant is native to China and Malaysia. Flowers are showy, pure white, strongly scented, Petals 5, each divided, curved; base is narrow, broad at the end.  Kamini is one of the most vital flowering shrubs for a elegant garden. Its regal blooming, great scent and holy color is incomparable to plant kingdom. The fruit is a berry, round, orange-red in color. They are edible to human. The beautiful leaves are used to beautify the bouquet. Every rachis have 4 pair of leaves usually. Leaves are dark green, shiny, obovate. White flowers usually bloom at night, it is so. Flowers stay for two days.  Leaves, flowers and barks are used for medicinal purpose. It is useful in dysentery, bruise, cold, physical pain and snake bite.T...

Kaash, Saccharum spontaneum

Kaash  ( Saccharum spontaneum , family: Poaceae) is a perennial grass can be seen along the edge of rivers and canals. It can get a height of 5-6 m. Its trunk is straight, hard and long. Kaash is native to Indian subcontinent. For decades Kaas has been used as an Ayurvedic medicine in different kinds of diseases in this area.  Flowering time is autumn (Sep-Oct). Other Bangla names: Kaiccha, Khag, Kaissha, Khagra, Kush. Bangla literature is inspired by this beautiful and incomparable flower. Autumn means Kaash─we, Bengalees believe that.  When autumn comes, Bengalees became crazy for this flower! Kaash spreads like a vast empire!  Stem is cylindrical, fistular.  Leaves are tall and slender, alternate.  Buffalo prefers this grass.  Thick ropes are made from stem scale. Propagation is caused by divisions. Country's one of the paper mills was based on this grass. It is used in jaundice. It is pretty effective to prevent soil eros...

Rokto-komol, Red Water Lily, Nymphaea rubra

Rokto-komol or Red water lily ( Nymphaea rubra , family: Nymphaeaceae) is a very common perennial plant of water bodies in Bangladesh. In fact the aquatic plant is native to Indian subcontinent.  It is is found in canals and ponds, overall in the waveless waters. Flowers are showy, reddish. Fully bloomed flower is 15 cm broad. Floating or little raised leaves are big, almost round-ovate, 18-40 cm broad, edge is serrated. Leaves are so big that a waterbird can walk easily on them. The flower bud of Rokto-komol is not less beautiful than the full blooming flowers. Flowers are slightly scented.  Fruits are edible, they have numerous seeds. Subcontinental people eat the peduncles as a vegetable also.  Very long reddish peduncles are smooth, juicy. Red Water Lily is planted as ornamental plant in indoor aquariums. Propagation is caused by seeds. It can also reproduce by seedlings. Closed bud, during the day. It is called by Lal shapla too.

Ulotkombol or Cotton Abroma, Abroma augustum

Ulotkombol or  Cotton Abroma  ( Abroma augustum (family: Sterculiaceae) is a shrub that can reach a height up to 5 m. Entire plant is hairy.  It is very remarkable about this plant that its flowers are basipetal bur fruits are positioned upward!   The beautiful plant is evergreen. It can be easily kept as an ornamental shrub in tropical gardens. In Bangladesh it is found in fallow land.  The plant is one of the most favourite medicinal plants in Indian subcontinent.                                                                                      Common names: Ulot-kombol, Cotton Abroma. Flowers are deep megenta. Petals 5. Flowers bloom in July-September.  Leaves are simple, long petioled, about 20 cm long; cordate or broad...

Easter lily vine or Nepal trumpet flower, Beaumontia grandiflora

Easter lily vine  or Nepal trumpet flower ( Beaumontia grandiflora , family: Apocynaceae) is a   large and stout climber found in the hilly areas of Bangladesh, specially in the forest of Sylhet. This beautiful woody climber is one of the rarest ornamental climbers of the country. The evergreen species is also native to Indian Subcontinent. Common names : Easter Lily Vine, Nepal Trumpet Flower. Leaves are opposite, dark green, pale beneath; obovoid, pointed at the end; big, 6-10 inch long, veins clearly visible. Young shoots are reddish and hairy  Funnel-shaped fragrant white flowers are large, 12 cm long and  8 cm broad. Petals 5. In broad daylight flowers dry quickly. Blooming season is spring.  The propagation of the climber is caused by cuttings.