Ulu or Cogon grass, Imperata cylindrica

Ulu or Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica, family: Poaceae) is a beautiful perennial grass with cylindrical and solid stem and creeping rhizomes, attaining a height of 1 m. The herb is one of the most beautiful flowering plants of Bangladesh. The water-loving grass is found all over Bangladesh. Its original home is Indian subcontinent.  

Other names: Ulu-ghash, Ulu-khor, Lalong, Shon, Chhon, Chhau, Sarkanda.

Leaves are green, rough, linear-lanceolate, 20-50 cm long with pointed apex. 

Flowers are pure white, silky, on spike inflorescence. Although the initial color of the flower is purple-white, it gradually changes to shiny white. It blooms from rainy season to autumn. 

Fruits are caryopsis, winged. Fruits and flowers can be seen at a time on different plants. It is propagated by rhizomes and seeds. 

When they bloom over a large area, a truly eye-catching scene unfolds. Only Kaash (Saccharum spontaneum) can be compared to its blossoming.

It is used in diabetes and gonorrhoea. It is also used to increase breast milk and quench thirst. Decoction of its roots is diuretic and tonic. It is used to shade the house. Pulp and paper can be made from it. Wine is made from roots in many countries.  


Week Star

Guloncho, Heart-leaved moonseed, Tinospora cordifolia

Maloncho or Alligator weed, Alternanthera philoxeroides

Shimul or Red silk-cotton, Bombax ceiba