
Showing posts from November, 2020

Noyontara or Cape periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus

Noyontara or Cape periwinkle ( Catharanthus roseus , family: Apocynaceae) is an annual or perinnial semi-woody herb, attaining a height of 30-90 cm. Stem and shoots are reddish and juicy. Whole plant has a strong odor. It is one of the most appreciated flowering plants of the tropical world. The plant is so endearing that several cultivars have been created and the colors of their flowers are no less beautiful. The original home of the plant is Madagascar.   Leaves are beautiful too. These are green, glabrous, elliptical-ovate, 5-7 cm long, tip pointed, alternate. Flowers are of two colors mainly: white and violet, 3-3.5 cm wide. Petals 5 with red spot at the centre (yellow eye in white flowers). Lower part of the flower is tubular, 2.5 cm long. Flowers bloom mainly in rainy season, though it may be seen round the year. Fruit is a folicle, 2-5 cm long. Seeds are dark black. The plant is propagated by seeds and air layering. It grows easily in partial shade. It is also suitab...

Agor or Lign aloes, Aquilaria agallocha

Agor or Lign aloes ( Aquilaria agallocha , family: Thymelaeaceae) is an large evergreen tree with spreading branches. Trunk is straght, glabrous. Bark is whitish. Wood is soft. Perfume stick Agorbati and various kinds of perfumes are made from its wood. It is cultivated as commercial crops in Bangladesh, especially in the hilly area of Moulovibazar district. It is originally from India. It can be seen scattered in different parts of Bangladesh. Other name: Oguru  Leaves are green, thin, glabrous, lanceolate, petioled, 7-12 cm long and 2-5 cm wide, entire, apex acute, alternate. Flowers are whitish, borne on umbel inflorescence; petals 5. Flower blooms in April-May. Fruit is 2-5 cm long, obovate, covered with thick hair. Brown-colored seeds come out of the fruit and hang for 1-2 days. Propagation of the plant is caused by seeds.   Powder of timber is used to prevent insect infestation. Bark is used to make rope. Resin is obtained as a result of the action of a type of f...

Gondhovadulia or Skunkvine, Paederia foetida

Gondhovadulia or Skunkvine ( Paederia foetida , family: Rubiaceae) is a perennial twining climer having very unpleasant scented leaves and hairy shoots. The beautiful leafy climber is found everywhere in Bangladesh as homestead plant. It grows naturally in hilly forests of the country too. Beside Bangladesh it is also found in the countries of Southern Asia.  Other names :  Gondhovaduli, Gondhobadali, Badali-vadalia, Gondhal, Gandhal, Modhulota, Paduni pata; Bhadra & Prasarani (Sanskrit). Leaves are simple, deep green, oblong-ovoid with cordate base, tip elongated, 5-10 cm long and 7 cm wide, hairy, long petioled. Its leaves produces almost the scent of human stool. But the truth is, its leaves are eaten as a very tasty vegetable in the Indian subcontinent. And these are used as effective medicine in the treatment of various kinds of diseases. Flowers are in terminal or axillary inflorescence, almost 1 cm in length, campanulate, pink or white in outside, violet in inner ...

Alkushi or Cowitch, Mucana pruriens

Alkushi or Cowitch ( Mucana pruriens , family: Fabaceae) is an annual or sometimes perennial twinning vine. It is one of the best itch-producing fruits in the world. The leafy and hairy plant is found beside the roads, in village thickets and in the deep hilly forests of Bangladesh. It is also found in some countries of South and Southeast Asia.  Other names:  Bilai chimti, Koch, Bichuti. Leaves are tri-foliate, grey-silky beneath, leaflets ovate or almost quadrangular, 8-17 cm long, petioled. Leaf-nerves are unequal-sided.  6-30 flowers are in raceme inflorescence, pendulous, 15-30 cm long, tube campanulate, corolla usually deep purple, also be white or pink, 3-4 cm long. Flowering occurs in October-November. Fruit is S-shaped pod that covered with numerous irritating or stinging hairs, grey in color, 5-8 cm long and 1.5 cm wide. Seeds 5-6,  grey in color. Fruit matures in November-February. Its fruits, seeds, roots have been widely used in Ayurvedic treatment for...

Kanchon or Orchid tree, Bauhinia variegata

Rokto kanchon or Orchid tree ( Bauhinia variegata , family: Caesalpiniaceae) is a small or medium-sized deciduous tree with numerous and scattered branches. Trunk is short. Bark is rough, grey-colored. As an ornamental plant it is found in parks, gardens, botanical gardens in Bangladesh. The home of the beautiful flowering plant is South and Southeast Asia.  Other names: Rokto kanchon, Lal kanchon. It can be easily identified by looking at its leaves. Suddenly it looks like a pair of wings of butterfly. These are green, ovate, parltly bilobed, shiny, 8-12 cm long, apex emerginate, 11-15 veins, long-petioled. Flowers are magenta with reddish tone, edge slightly white, sweet-scented, 5-6 cm wide, borne on inflorescence. Petals 5, sepals 5; stamens 5, uneven.  It is an iconic flower of spring of Indian subcontinent, especially in Greater Bangla. It blooms during February-April. Its white flowers are also seen in Bangladesh, and of the same species.  Fruit is a pod, dehisc...