Boro dudhia or Asthma plant, Euphorbia hirta

Boro dudhia or Asthma plant (Euphorbia hirta, family: Euphorbiaceae) is annual prostate or semi-erect herb with spreading branches and taproot, attaining a height of 30-5-0 cm. Stems and branches are soft, slender and hairy. Stem produces milky sap when snapped. It is found on fallow land, in cropfields and beside roads in Bangladesh. The plant is native to tropical America, but has adapted to other tropical regions.

Other names: Boro dudhi, Boro kerui, Ghao-pata (Bang); Garden spurge, Hairy spurge (Eng).

Leaves are light green or reddish green, elliptic-lanceolate, 1-1.5 cm long hairy on both sides, edge serrated, apex blunted, opposite. 

Flowers are smaill, reddish green on leaf axil. Flowering occurs round the year. Fruit is triangular capsule. Propagation of the plant is caused by seeds. 

It is useful in asthma, cough, chronic dysentery, bronchitis, phlegm and pain. The plant is quite eye-catching. As an ornamental plant it can be planted in gardens. Anyone can enhance the beauty of the veranda garden by planting it in tubs too.

Synonyms: Chamaesyce gemella, Chamaesyce hirta, Chamaesyce karwinskyi, Chamaesyce pekinensis, Chamaesyce pilulifera, Chamaesyce rosei, Desmonema hirta, Ditritea hirta, Euphorbia bancana, Euphorbia capitata, Euphorbia chrysochaeta, Euphorbia gemella, Euphorbia globulifera, Euphorbia nodiflora, Euphorbia obliterata, Euphorbia pilulifera, Euphorbia verticillata, Tithymalus pilulifer.  


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