Charchara or Erect flemingia, Flemingia stricta

Charchara or Erect flemingia (Flemingia stricta, family: Fabaceae) is an tall, woody shrub with trifoliate leaves, attaining a height of 3-4 m. The younger parts of the plant are hairy and somewhat triangular. The much branching shrub is found in the shady and damp places of plains and hilly areas of central part and Chattogram and Chattogram Hill Tracts and greater Sylhet in Bangladesh. Outside the country, it will be seen in India, Myanmar, Bhutan, China as well as some countries of Southeast Asia.

Other names: Sai kheu (Marma)

Leaves are trifoliate, large, oblong-lanceolae, opposite, glabrous or slightly hairy, 15-28 cm long and 6-10 cm wide, narrow at both ends, tip pointed; petioled, 5-10 cm long, triangular. 

Flowers are Pea-like, purplish, with shortened pedicels. Flowers 1-1.5 cm long, on 7-10 cm-lengthed raceme inflorescence, dense-flowered. Flowering occurs in the spring (Feb-Apr).  

Fruit is a pod, oblong, 10-15 mm long, almost glabrous, usually bi-seeded. Seeds are subglobose, tiny, blackish. It is propagated by seeds. 

The perennial plant is used in asthma. Leaves are used in scabies and polio. It is used as firewood somewhere.

Synonyms : Flemingia stricta var. pteropus, Maughania stricta var. pteropus, Moghania stricta, Moghania stricta var. pteropus


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